Onboarding with Fotomerchant

Welcome, Fotomerchants-in-Training

We know you’re itching to get started with our amazing platform, and today, we’re going to give you a sneak peek into the wonderful world of onboarding. 

We’ve been busy streamlining our onboarding to ensure you feel supported and productive throughout the whole process. Each year, we’ve been making improvements to our onboarding. Why? Because we want to make sure you have the smoothest journey possible. After all, we’re all in this together!

Onboarding: A Two-Way Street

Yep, onboarding is a bit like a tango; it takes two to make it work! We want to know all about you and your studio. The more we know, the better we can support you. We’ll leave no stone unturned to understand your needs, expectations, and quirks.

In case you haven’t noticed, we love a good laugh and camaraderie. Working with us is a hoot! So buckle up and get ready for some fun as we embark on this Fotomerchant adventure together.

We’re Your Partners

Fotomerchant is all about being your partner in crime. We don’t just hand you a ‘get started with Fotomerchant’ box and disappear. We’re here to guide you through the process and ensure you’re fulfilling solo confidently when the time comes. And guess what? The onboarding is just the beginning of our partnership!

Unraveling the Mysteries of Onboarding

Let’s dive into the onboarding guide, shall we? You’ll have your logo and our side by side because this is a partnership, my friends! Throughout the onboarding, you’ll be introduced to our stellar team and wowed by the wonders of our industry-leading conversational support model. Ever used Slack before? You’re in for a treat!

Our onboarding area includes many handy links for you to stay across all elements of your set-up, including extra information such as webinars, blogs, and case studies. Our knowledge base area is also easily accessible here, so you can read up on implementing some of our cool features. From here, you can easily navigate through the Fotomerchant universe!

With us, you can sleep easily. We’ve got your timeline covered, and you’ll have a clear understanding of your onboarding arc. We separate each component via product lines/genres in our new and improved onboarding process. No workflow is the same, so each onboard setup must differ. So, we split your onboarding into different genres or product lines. This allows us to accommodate for any nuances in each of your genre setups. We’re flexible like that!

We believe in transparency all the way! You’ll always know exactly what’s happening, who’s doing what, and when it’ll all be ready. You’ll be able to track our progress, see due dates, and where the roadblocks are. Some of these due dates will be for us, others for you. Nevertheless, you can rest assured you will always feel in the loop of your onboarding journey.

Ask Away

If you have any questions or suggestions after this blog, just message us. We’re all ears and eager to make this process even better for you! To experience a more in-depth guide to this new onboarding system, take a look at our recent webinar. Peter Koop and Tearah Fox will show you the ropes alongside some classic Australian/Canadian banter. 

Well, that’s all for now. Until next time!