Customer Cart Experience

First impressions matter. When it comes to customer cart experience, we understand that less is more (unless ice cream is involved). The last thing you want is for a customer to become overwhelmed and leave the cart confused without making a purchase. Building your cart in a way that clearly communicates your products is not a one size fits all situation. Here at Fotomerchant, design your customer cart to work for your offerings. Don’t build a maze but rather a signposted road that leads all the way to the place order button. *insert cha-ching sound* 

Let me show you! Keep reading to experience a generic example of how our customer cart format can look.

Cart Experience Walkthrough

Every good story needs a hero; enter Jack Largeman

BING! Jack’s parents just received a gallery notification email. Mum and Grandma received the email, and Grandma is eternally grateful that this studio entered her email as an additional one.

The simple but effective email links Jack’s Mum straight to her cart by clicking a button. This button will contain a direct link to Jack’s cart, so Mum doesn’t have to scramble through her mailbox or handbag to find that pesky access code.

Once the button is clicked, Mum will first be shown an ID gate. This ID gate asks for the user name, email, and whether the customer wants to opt-in to additional marketing. Gathering the user email and name is essential as this information allows us to reference Mum’s name in future marketing. If she passes this link to anyone else in the family, we will also have their email address through the data collected at this ID gate. The opt-in checkbox allows customers to opt-out of marketing if they please, and they will receive no abandoned cart or promotional marketing in the future.

At this point, Mum is greeted with a pop-up. You can customize this pop-up with whatever graphic or text you would like. For example, notify your customers of any current promotions or important and relevant information like free shipping.

Once Mum enters the cart, create a customer-friendly experience by arranging your products and packages in a way that intrigues but doesn’t overwhelm your customer. We have many different customizable options that can be implemented to guide your customer through the cart. 

See the below image to view our countdown banner, additional subject feature, promotional highlight, and menu bar. These three features are juicy blog posts in their own right and highly benefit your customer cart experience. To give you a high-level overview of our shopping cart, we will revisit these features in greater detail in future posts. For now, I want you to focus on the cart layout and how Mum can easily find her desired photograph of Jack through the screen’s handy menu bar on the right-hand side.

We have learned some tricks by tracking thousands of customers through their shopping carts. One to note is graphics matter. Outlining the products in your packages through simple bullet-point lists is effective, but nothing does the trick like visually seeing your prints. Provide a visual representation of what exists in your package through a complete graphic takeover, or a combo of a bullet-point list with accompanying graphic. Start out with our generic silhouette graphics, or provide your own. The sky’s the limit!

Scroll/swipe to see more examples of how your products can be presented in the cart:

I could talk for days about how these shopping carts can differ depending on your studio needs. Everything from highlighting promotional products to graphics utilized, you can really make this cart your own. Rather than rambling on, why don’t I just show you how one of our studios has designed its cart! Swipe to view:

Well, there you have it. No studio is the same, so each shopping cart is different. We understand how other jobs may require alternate shopping cart layouts. At Fotomerchant, you can have multiple cart setups depending on your photography job. Build your cart in a way that works for you and your clients. Reach out if you want a demo tour and see this shiny shopping cart in action.

School Photography Industry Report

The day we have all been waiting for with bated breath is finally here. So, with great excitement, I’m here to welcome you to the first School Photography Industry report! The report you will see below is a joint initiative between Fotomerchant and School Photographers of America (SPOA).

Data. Does that excite you? Well, it should. The data we collated for your benefit can transform how you conduct your studio. We believe that data allows for educated and concise moves within the industry. Without data, we would be standing in the dark, unable to track what works and flops. This report is your touchstone for valuable information and insights that will inform and inspire your organization to grow.

The best part of this is that we’re just getting started. This report is a foundation for further research and comparison to find correlations and insights that will span into the future. So strap in and get ready for a wave of beneficial information coming your way in future reports. 

The report is split into four key components: Demographics, Price, Quality, and Choice. I will give a brief overview of the highlights captured in this report. For the in-depth analysis, you can download the report for your casual perusal. We cast our metaphorical net large for this survey and surveyed a whopping 31 thousand individuals. 

See the below graphic to see this number broken down.

We surveyed a mix of parents and teachers to understand better customers’ order habits and the more practical needs of teachers. ​​Teachers hold crucial input as they hold an influence over school photos and yearbook processes.

Without giving too many spoilers away, you really should see it for yourself; here are some interesting results we saw emerge from the data for parents. For the parent demographics, we noticed the majority of survey respondents were 36-45 years of age and female; this changes how we interpret the data collected further below.

Woah, Woah, easy there! That is all I am going to show you here. Download the report to see more of this juicy data (and there is plenty more where that came from). 

As we look to use this report as a baseline for further studies in the future, it would be greatly appreciated if you could provide your feedback via the feedback form. After you undoubtedly devour the report, please share your thoughts on what you found informative and where you think we can improve.

More is better when it comes to data collection. If your company wishes to participate and gain access to these surveys to be included in your communications this fall, please register here.

We could not have completed this mammoth effort without help from a plethora of studios nationwide and the individuals who graciously donated their time and feedback. We extend a huge thank you to everyone involved in creating this report. We are standing on the precipice of knowledge that can mold our industry for the better, only created through a collaborative effort and understanding of a common shared goal, which I think we can all agree is to provide a service that makes us all proud.